The Akaitcho Aquatic Monitoring Program (AAMP) is a regional program run under the Akaitcho Territory Government, funded by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Aboriginal Aquatic Resource and Oceans Management Program. AAMP has the mandate to satisfy Canada’s duty to consult and accommodate those First Nations without a Land Claim/Settlement Agreement on matters relating to fisheries and water management.
Each year, AAMP applies on behalf of each Akaitcho Frist Nation to fund various aquatics related programs. Data is collected on a wide variety of parameters surrounding fish, water, and soil. Further, this program provides training and employment to YKDFN members as Technicians and Boat Operators who conduct the sampling under the guidance of Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ scientists.
This year, Environment staff continued work on YKDFN’s aquatic research and monitoring program through partially funding the Traditional Knowledge Trainee position who did transcription work using the Trailmark traditional knowledge database. This work makes YKDFN traditional knowledge more accessible to support fish monitoring and management.