The Yellowknives Dene Cumulative Impact and Monitoring Framework entered year 2 of 3 of implementation. The main purpose of the project is to develop a cumulative impact and monitoring framework for YKDFN. The core of the year’s work was focused on the development of a harvest and resource use survey. A draft of the survey was presented at a community meeting in April 2019 and the project team took input and direction from community members to revise the draft. A similar survey that was conducted in 1988 was found and the survey was redrafted to create alignment that would allow comparable data sets for some of the questions on key areas related to harvesting. The project team had planned on hosting multiday workshops in both Ndilo and Dettah for members to complete the surveys in person with staff in March 2020. However, due to Covid-19 this was cancelled. Not wanting to delay the project further the project team has worked on how to deploy the survey remotely and is has a new timeline of summer 2020 for deployment.